Leica HxMap

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The increased need for up-to-date geospatial information in many of the traditional applications as well as in emerging areas such as navigation or location-based apps requires a new approach to data processing: rapid updates over large areas in the shortest possible time. To be a true No 1, the world’s most efficient airborne sensor still relies on an efficient and fast data processing workflow.

By introducing HxMap, the unified high-performance multi-sensor workflow platform, Leica Geosystems offers exactly what the industry has been waiting for: a fast, intuitive and efficient post-processing platform, that allows you to produce all known data products within one single interface.

  • Saving you time and costs
    You and your staff only need to be proficient in one simple user interface to produce any known airborne data product. Don’t waste time moving your data from one software to the other, but benefit from one end-to-end workflow.
  • Unprecedented data throughput
    Take advantage of the industry’s fastest data throughput and process any amount of data more efficiently in one single post-processing interface.
  • Easily adaptable to your needs
    Create your personal post-processing workflow with one flexible and modular platform that can be customised to your specific application needs by adding software licenses only when you need them.

The Leica HxMap common sensor post-processing platform offers the following modules to meet your needs:

How does HxMap work?
Starting from data download, raw QC to basic data management, Leica HxMap intuitively guides you through the sensor specific processing steps, based on the input data. Radiometric processing is available for all sensors as well a complete aerial triangulation workflow.

Furthermore, the HxMap product generator allows a large number of products to be generated by the push of a button: referenced images, orthophotos, info clouds, point clouds and, in future,* large orthophoto mosaics.

These features build the right solution for large oblique projects, country-wide orthophoto or LiDAR mapping  small engineering projects alike.

Data acquisition + data processing = airborne reality capture
To reach highest efficiency the data acquisition has been integrated tightly with the post processing. Thus, HxMap can be enabled for individual sensor types. For flexible production, scalable and application-specific software modules are bundled with the matching hardware, namely Leica RealCity, Leica RealWorld and Leica RealTerrain.

RealCity supports you with your smart city and 3D city modelling applications, RealWorld is designed for Leica RCD30 and Leica DMCIII large area imaging projects in 2D and Leica RealTerrain is particularly effective for LiDAR mapping.

Click for Leica HXMap Brochure